
one of the sketch rnn outputs


sketches i made by hand

I wrote a p5 sketch that stores image data in 3stroke format - meaning it keeps track of the difference in x & y of each point, and notes if a specific point is the first point in a stroke or not. I drew about 200 sketches of monsters then I used SketchRNN to trained my own model off of the drawings I did.


many of my input drawings

![one of my input drawings](/assets/images/drawml/in1.png) ![one of my input drawings](/assets/images/drawml/in2.png) ![one of my input drawings](/assets/images/drawml/in3.png) ![one of my input drawings](/assets/images/drawml/in4.png)


one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs one of the sketch rnn outputs