Mechanical Puppet
-With Face
-Without Face
--casting process
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A figure that can be animated through a set of pulleys - intended to be an animatronic, can be set up as such with strong enough motors when body is held in place (the current mechanics have to much resistance for arduino scale motors, which is what I have, so currently more of a puppet). It is a modified ball-jointed-doll with movable arms (joints in the wrist, double joints in the shoulder and elbow), legs (joints at the ankle, knee, and hip), neck, and waist (rotational only). An opening in the back allows for access to internal elastic (elastic chords string all parts together) and pulleys, which move limps and facial features. The mouth opens and closes, and eyes can blink; head can also tilts and look in different directions due to the neck joint. Also has a handmade outfit and small leather shoes
The arms have a pulley system that runs from hand, to forarm, to upper arm, through the shoulder-blade, and out the back - when it is pulled, the arms raise upwards. When not pulled, the force of gravity lowers the arms. The arm is held in place by tension from being strung together with elastic, it is a series of ball joints.
The hands have loops to anchor the pulleys(fishing line)
The legs are also ball joints strung with elastic. Their pulleys are anchored at the knee and run from the knee to the thigh, through the hip, up the inside of the torso, and out the back. they can be pulled to make the leg go up.
This outline shows the location of the visible pulleys
This shows how the pulleys from the legs and arms run through the torso and out the back
This shows how the pulleys going through the torso
here you can see the fishing line running from the knees into the hips
In this image of the inside of the hips, you can see the wire that channels the leg pulleys to keep them from tangling with the elastic or with other fishing line
The waist and torso are held together by elastic, the elastic from the legs runs up the length of the torse, through the neck, and is tied in the head - this holds the head, upper torso, hips, and legs together. The hips and upper torso fit into eachother by having a cylinder at the top of the hip slot into a cylindrical hole at the bottom of the upper toros. This allows for the body to rotate side to side.
Head with face
Head without face
The jaw has a hinge that runs through the left to right side, the lower jaw rotates around this. The elasticity of the silicone face holds the mouth closed, but there is a pulley that attaches to the lower jaw, and when pulled, the force is converted to rotate the jaw, which stretches the silicone and opens the mouth
The eyes rotate around an axis that is shared by their centers - a weight keeps them open, and when pulled, the pulley opens them (see diagram below). This mimicks the design of antique bisque dolls with a weight on the eyes that causes them to close when the doll is in a lying position, and open when sitting or standing
The face cast in silicone, first image shows it alone, and second image shows it attached to the head
This is the original face, sculpted out of polymer clay. it is thin and hollow, face mechanism with closed mouth fits perfectly inside. To create the finished silicone face, I made a 2 part mold out of alginate and cast it with in SmoothOn Dragon Skin.
The face locks into the head by having slots in the back that fit perfectly against matching slots on the head. You can see the slots on the head in the image above - three rectangular shapes rising up at the top.
Casting Process
This is the top and bottom half of my mold for the face. the holes in the top part are channels for air that help make sure the silicone gets to all parts of the mold when poured
The above video shows the arms raising, as well as the jaw and eyes
This video shows the legs moving
This video shows how to remove and re-attach the face
This video shows the mouth being opened and closed
Shoes are handmade out of leather, heat molded and wet molded to fit the feet precisely
The shirt is made out of a semi-transparent white fabric, I used this fabric so that the joints can be seen through the sleeves. It also has loose fitting puffed sleeves, which allow for the range of motion to remain unobstructed, and for the cloth to not get in the way of the pulley system. There is an opening in the back that opens over the hole in the back of the torso to leave the insides accessible and to not be obtrusive.
The sleeve fits over the arm then uses a cord and tiny clay buttons to scrunch the sleeve opening closed and tie it seculrely closed
A velour tunic tied with a belt
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